With a focus on championing the values that resonate with Idahoans, Shawn Dygert is steadfast and dedicated to fostering economic prosperity, safeguarding personal freedoms, and preserving the unique spirit of our diverse communities. As we embark on this journey together, united under the banner of the Republican Party, we aim to uphold the principles that make Idaho exceptional, ensuring a prosperous and secure future for all its residents.
Responsible Stewardship
Idaho Tax Money
Being a steward of Idaho’s tax money is both a responsibility and a commitment to the well-being of our state and its citizens. Every dollar collected represents the hard work and contributions of Idahoans and, as stewards, we must ensure that these funds are used judiciously and efficiently. Prioritizing transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility is essential in managing public resources effectively. By scrutinizing budgets, advocating for responsible spending, and seeking innovative solutions, we can maximize the impact of every taxpayer dollar. Being a steward of Idaho’s tax money means making informed decisions that benefit the community at large, whether it’s investing in infrastructure, education, or other essential services. It’s a pledge to foster a thriving and sustainable future, where the collective investment of taxpayers yields tangible, positive outcomes for all residents of the Gem State.
Committed Advocate
Agriculture – A Crucial Sector
Advocating for agriculture in Idaho is not just a commitment to the state’s economic well-being but a celebration of its heritage and identity. Idaho’s agricultural sector is a vital cornerstone of the state’s prosperity. From the vast expanses of ranchland supporting livestock industries, to agriculture that sustains our rural communities and connects urban consumers with locally grown, high-quality products. Advocating for this crucial sector involves championing policies that ensure fair market access, water resource management, and all aspects of agriculture production and processing. As we advocate for agriculture in Idaho, we not only preserve a way of life but also contribute to the broader narrative of a thriving and interconnected community that values the land and its people.
Strong Supporter
Career and Technical Education
Supporting career and technical education (CTE) is a commitment to empowering individuals with the practical skills and knowledge necessary for success in the modern workforce. It is imperative to invest in educational pathways that bridge the gap between academia and industry. Career and technical education not only equips students with hands-on skills but also instills a sense of purpose and relevance in their learning journey. By fostering partnerships between educational institutions and businesses, we strengthen the foundation of our workforce and contribute to economic growth. Supporting CTE is an investment in the future, providing individuals with the tools they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving job market while meeting the demands of industries that drive innovation and progress.
Fundamental Duty to Preserve
Right to Life
Defending the right to life is not just a fundamental duty; it is a moral imperative that resonates deeply within any just and compassionate society. We bear a profound responsibility to safeguard and treasure the sanctity of life at every stage, and this duty compels us with unwavering passion and strength.
Safeguarding Against Overreach
Private Property Rights
Preserving private property rights in the United States is paramount to safeguarding the very foundation upon which our nation was built. The concept of private property is deeply embedded in the American ethos, reflecting the principles of individual liberty, economic freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. Private property rights provide a bulwark against government overreach, ensuring that citizens retain autonomy over their possessions and can exercise their freedoms without undue interference.
Upholding the constitution
2nd Amendment Rights
Preserving the Second Amendment is crucial for upholding the foundations of American democracy and ensuring the enduring protection of individual liberties. The Second Amendment enshrines the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. This constitutional provision not only serves as a check against potential tyranny but also empowers individuals to participate actively in their own defense and that of their communities.
My Commitment
As your state representative...
I will maintain my responsibility to the people of District 23B by researching legislation so that it meets all the desired goals in the platform without creating unwanted consequences. I look forward to gathering information from, you, the voters in order to properly represent the people of District 23B.
Shawn Dygert